Grab a cuppa, pull up a chair
& get comfy while you get to know us
- believe me I've had 3 already!

Who are we you ask ? , well we are a family of five embracing the bliss of life as free spirits
We unschool our three primary aged children where we embark on some crazy adventures together, in our new life flipping our first house in Tasmania. Where life just happens, with no rhythm , no schedule , no time constraints just good old , going with the flow oh and being able to keep a open mind at all times helps , ha ! - where no two days are the same but everyday is worth living.
So as you now know from the above mentions I LOVE COFFEE - nooo , well that is true! but we are here to talk about why we unschool the kids , yes ! It wasn't much of a surprise there, you know to our families and all, - when we told them we are pulling the kids out of school and going surfing everyday ha' - that is half true! as we have always been abit of the so called
" unconventional bohemian " type parents.- where we were never good at following the how to "parent guides "- instead have always chosen to follow our instincts and the trust we have in our kids abilities in our own parenting style - barefoot parenting.

Embracing Unschooling, alternative living and simple parenting

But It all started..
A few years ago, we had enough , of living in a routine ,and following the mainstream education system,and all that went with it like the packing & the super messy unpacking of the lunchboxes everyday,where your child gets lunchbox envy and you become a sous chef -the worst! ,not being able to travel to far as school finishes at 3 and kids can get sick -bummer ! ,trying to get to school half n hour early to get the VIP parking-only to realise that's what everyone else was thinking that day too ,and to me by far the worst was having to say goodbye to our children more then having to say hello , just knowing their childhood was flashing before my eyes and I'm missing out on it- you know, that type of routine eh, We knew there had to be another way that allows us to continue on our adventures together everyday of the week not just on a Saturday and Sunday. Then I came across the world of unschooling and fell in love with the thought of my children learning naturally, just through living and emerging themselves with things they found curious and interesting, and better yet this will teach them all they need to know , when they need to know it , cha ching !
So that was that, we have all learnt so much together and have been on some great adventures , living each day as they come ever since and that all happened nearly 3 years ago.