The BarefootChild Club
Here at BarefootChild we are passionate about bringing you affordable , wholesome nature inspired learning resources. We have been providing schools, educators and parents since 22". With our increasing customers we are happy to be able to announce our new affordable monthly membership club. At a very low monthly price we are able to provide you with high quality learning resources. You will receive unlimited access to our exclusive members only range, in which we will continuing be adding to. (if you are a fan of our freebie range then this is for you)

Every couple of weeks, we will be adding new printables to our members page from flashcards, posters, mini units , nature studies and more.You will have unlimited access to, for only $3.99AUD a month!!

Nature inspired
Our love for Reggio emillia and soft earthy natural tones are what inspires our range of printables. We believe in keeping children wild and bringing nature into learning.

Our favs
Programming Editor

Art Director
New printables
Have access to loads of valuable and high -quality learning resources
each month , as we continue to add new additions for only $3.99 a month
For only $3.99AUD a month!! YEP that's right. We here at BarefootChild believe that everyone should be able to afford beautiful ,informative and high quality learning printables , no matter your budget.We are proud and honoured to be able to offer everyone one of the most affordable home-schooling and teaching membership programs out there.