This course is truly becoming the TOP #1 online business course in the world.
We are currently at 51k+ students worldwide,This course is helping beginners and moms just like YOU, who are learning how to break free from their 9-5 and gain the freedom to work from anywhere in the world using JUST their phone and social media,generating thousands a week in passive income!

Hey there Mumma and welcome!
My name is skye lee
Here is a little bit about me, and why I started this
journey to passive income and why I want to help
you begin your journey to financial freedom to!
Hey there Mumma, Im Skye-Lee - Most of you, will know I'm a homeschooling Mumma to three wildlings living our dream life on an island. I am also the main income provider for my family, and this was all only possible by learning how to sell digital products and services online to make PASSIVE INCOME with digital marketing.
But it wasn't always like this. I became a mother when I was 18 and we were chasing after 3 before I was 21, we lived pay check to pay check, and I knew the struggles and stress of living on a very little income.
Feeling fed up, of how our life's were heading and looking for an alternative approach to making money instead of the 9-5 as I wanted to remain by my children's sides , I started sourcing the internet and stumbled across the term PASSIVE INCOME, the more I dug into it, I knew this was the perfect business model for me... so I then spent the next few months , researching, creating and then my vision for barefootchild began...
Fast forward back to today...
I have an established and ever-growing online business that makes me money in my sleep ( this is what passive income is)- I upload my digital products once, and they then sell on autopilot forever. I also have about 5 other " passive income streams" - this business model generates me and my family enough to be able to live financially free-
SO NOW, I desperately want to help every MOTHER AND WOMEN begin your journey to financial freedom to, so you can finally start your own online business making passive income,(yes even straight from your social media account) by creating done for you products ,and giving you the tools to learn how to start, grow and master your new online business and the tools I currently apply into my current business and that's all from this digital wealth academy course.
This is the #1 digital marketing course that will help teach you everything from A-Z about starting, creating, growing and thriving your new online business empire. ( straight from your social media account) plus you can actually RESELL this course, in your new online business if you like as it comes with Master Resell rights,for $497usd and you keep 100% profits~ how great is that!! I have since started another new side hustle online business
( as this course showed me how easy it is to start a business from social media and link in bio tools within a few days,from start to finish) as I want to share my experience and help other mothers start their own online business earning passive income and become financial free! oh + My current online business has tripled in sales in half a year since applying techniques this course has taught me, so if you already have a little side hustle and need help with growth -just like I did then this course is a lifesaver!! or if your just someone wanted to get your foot in the door with digital marketing and passive income then this course is a done for you digital product ready for you to start reselling for $497 and is in HIGH DEMAND and trusted by currently 58k students,with thousands joining each month. I have also included lifetime access to my current and future commercial use products that you can resell as your own and this course comes with 7 other MRR products you can sell - so you can start your own online store with a week, as I want you to succeed.
THIS COURSE HAS REALLY CHANGED MY LIFE, and now I want it to help change yours to! Honestly if I can do it, then you CAN TO! Whether you're a Mumma feeling lost and wanting to learn how to start your own online business from scratch, a small business looking to succeed, a burnt out teacher looking for ways to make extra income, selling your lessons online in your own store or a free spirit like me, needing a work life ,you can balance with your wandering soul , then this course will HELP you achieve financial freedom, build your own brand and finally quit your 9-5!

52k+ students and counting-.A strong community within the course. From all walks of life, making their dreams a realty.
For the complete new beginner to the advance business owner.This course is self paced, and easy to follow along with video modules.
A done for you product you can resell as your own for a minimum of $497usd each time and keep 100% profits. Plus 7+ other products for commercial use.

Complete A-z to help you learn how to start,launch,grow and scale your online business for success, using social media and digital marketing proven techniques, taught by experts in each field.

what does this course offer you?
Im so glad you asked!
You learn everything you need to start your online business today,all in one place!
This course covers everything from A-Z, on HOW TO START YOU ONLINE BUISNESS STRAIGHT FROM YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT, selling done for you digital products and services! It helps teach you how to Master online marketing ,allowing you to work from home, travel when you like, all from your iphone and social media,a couple of hours a day, once you have all your systems in place! With over 40+ modules ,it has you covered on the most essential tools and information you need to be able to learn,start,grow and scale your new online business all taught by experts in each field making sure you can earn MAX PROFITS.
A real community of likeminded individuals.
This course has a community of over 52k students and continues to GROW every week ,from all walks of life, Individuals and complete newbies who wanted to also quit their 9-5, build their own online brand and are killing the digital marketing biz, some are making over 20k a month !!This course gives you access to 6 different languages within the course.You can meet and message like minded individuals and mammas just like you, to share tips, inspiration, questions and seek help along your journey. There are weekly community zoom calls you can join,with the hosts and other students, we are about to see the new launch of a podcast within the course, aswell as tech support.

We allow you to resell this course and keep 100% profits!
As we want you to succeed in your new business, this course comes with MRR- allowing you to resell this course as YOUR OWN and keep 100% profits each time, forever! (This course sells for a minimum of $497usd!!) Oh and we have also included 7 done for you digital guides, that also come with MRR, that you can also resell for 100% profits + everyone who purchases the digital wealth academy course gets lifetime access to our exclusive PLR vault-allowing you to resell every current and FUTURE product in there as your own for 100% profits as an added bonus! So you can get started sooner selling done for you products IN HIGH DEMAND! Our course even shows you how to create your won digital product
You get what you pay for and more!
This course comes with 100% profit resell rights, there is NO upsells, NO commissions, and no other fees EVER. One payment of $497usd and thats all! You get access to the course and bonus's plus any future course updates, NEW modules ( we just had 4 newbies last month launch inside the course) and Future Plr/Mrr products, for FREE. You even get new marketing material each fortnight that is done for you , that you can use on your social media accounts if you choose to resell the course or plr products!You have complete ownership of your store, customers and the sky really is the limit as to how much profit you can make yourself within digital marketing.
now lets think
about this!
Instead of going out and spending hundreds on a new piece of furniture,
for it to just sit in your living room until it becomes out of style,or spending hundreds
on buy now, pay later "little luxuries -that wont truly make you happy, no longer then a few
days, until you decide its out of fashion" You should instead think about spending
that money on investing in yourself, now that will never get old.
Think about Spending your money on something that will give something back!
and that is YOUR LIFE, learning how to break free from the 9-5!
You buy this course for $497usd, learn EVERYTHING ABOUT STARTING YOUR NEW ONLINE BUSINESS creating and selling done for you digital products, you learn the best ways to make people want to buy what you are selling, through marketing techniques,story telling and digital marketing tactics.You learn how to grow and scale your brand,build loyal following,master every social media platform you want to work with,you learn everything from photo and video editing,email campaigns and SO MUCH MORE, all from the comfort of your home and iphone.
You decide on your "niche" ,decide if your going to have a faceless business (this is what I have, meaning I don't show my face,my business is private from my personal life :) or you can choose to rock it and make yourself known alongside your business like many influencers, next you want to choose a catchy business name,and begin to launch your new online store, that takes less then a few hours to setup (depending on the method you use- I highly recommend STAN STORE-quickest and simplest method to start selling digital products asap(you can also grow and change it up down the line if you want)- this store then connects to your social media accounts as a link in bio on your profile ) the course covers 4 different options to creating your online store with step by step videos.
- You then upload this course for sale for $497 the 7+ done for you digital products you can also resell as your own IF YOU WANT- these sell anywhere between $20-$70usd each, and maybe some other digital products you created yourself to your new store.The courses also teaches you step by step on how to do all this.
Next you create some posts and reels for your social media accounts, telling your followers/the world about your new product and make them "want to purchase it",by going to your link in bio!! the course teaches you THE BEST and proven ways to succeed at this aswell, and how to create marketing materials and all things viral and to get you noticed.
- You use all your newfound knowledge on how to master digital marketing with your posts etc and you then get your first customer and sale,simply from those social media posts and by that person going to your link in bio ( and because its all digital products, you don't even need to send anything to your customer-your new online store will send your customer the pdf file contain the course and/or your digital products automatically, and you won't even need to reupload it each time it sells back onto your store ,because the beauty of digital products is you only ever need to create and upload them ONCE, and everything else works on autopilot- creating you passive income!!
*cha ching, your $497 invest is made back!!-
NOW the real fun begins and its all profits and passive income from here on, this is a much better way of spending money then buying some furniture isn't it;)
So by now, You have learnt everything on how to be a master at digital marketing (selling to your audience/followers on social media) and have your new online store setup on automations, so from now on you all you have to do is work on growing your new "brand and business and scaling it" meaning you send out a few more posts,content and emails each day,to make your audience want your products,
the sky is the limit when it comes to your potential! and you will never get use to the feeling of waking up to check your phones notifications and seeing the sales you made while you were sleeping , all thanks to passive income and digital marketing!!
Our DIGITAL WEALTH ACADAMY COURSE- will teach you all this and just how easy it can be to reach your dreams.

dont just take
our word for it
Hear what other students and mothers are saying, who were complete newbies in digital marketing and have started their own online business, from this course.
This is just what some of the thousands of happy customers from this year 2024 have to say.
This is everything you will get today for one time payment of $497
10k soon!
Hi guys, I really can`t believe this, but I am so close hitting my first 10K with Digital Marketing.
I started 9 weeks ago and I never thought I would earn so much much money in such a short time - believe in yourself and hold on ! 🥳🚀
-Lilly Pach - @misslillyangelina
I should be able to quit my job soon
100k + in 6 months
Digital marketing has changed my life in the past 6 months! I honestly can’t believe this is happening to me. Trying to hold it in at work & yet I’m just trying to soak it all in while making passive income. All I can say is thank you God! 😭🙏🏼😮💨🍾
13 days in!!
UPDATE: I have made $700 from my own $10 digital guide in just 13 days of starting!! I gained almost 600 followers and started from 0!! This stuff works guys! If you are struggling to make sales DM me on IG I will give you my tips for selling as a small account and starting with low ticket products!!🤍 :)
biz growth
I just want to say I am SO grateful to Rachell and Daniella! DWA has been such a game changer for me. I've been trying to understand how to run an online biz since 2019, unsuccessfully. I became certified as a master practitioner of NLP and Hypnosis and coached, grew and Instagram to almost 3,000 followers but had no idea how to do anything with it, how to brand, how to sell, how to convert leads. I was making no money and I was so frustrated and lost on what to do.
Then I bought DWA and learned how to sell the course but even better how to market online and how to make my own product.
I created a Digital Marketing Success Hypnosis for all of us on this journey to help with limiting beliefs and blocks and have already sold some on launch day!!!! I would have NEVER been able to do this without DWA! Thank you Thank you!!!
My insta is @YourFacelessHustle if anyone wants to connect!!
Top marketing advice inside DWA
I have taken what I learned from DWA and now posting for my Chiropractic Business I have gained 10 new patients weekly from the content I have been posting. =)
The content I have been posting is getting more views than the marketing agency we had used.
! 🥳🚀
Rebecca Yaun- @rebecca-yaun-8611
Single mom here.
I’m a single mom to 2 toddlers. I started this journey about 9 months ago. Now I’m making 4 figures a month from digital products! This week alone i made a $497 DWA sale & launched my Faceless mini duo playbook and just made 2 sales !
Don’t underestimate the power of selling low priced digital products.
Follow me on IG
stay at home mom
I'm three months into my journey and am happy to say that I've made $4,238 USD so far! I am a SAHM and only get to work in the evenings. I can't believe this is working SO WELL!
In the past 14 days I was hardly working, we went to a family vacation in Italy, I took some time to recharge and we had a family wedding weekend. Still, I've made $1012 USD without even posting for days!!! 🤩
$19k as a stay at home mom
Since starting digital marketing and MRR courses I’ve made a little over $19,000 with only 1800 followers!!
This has been life changing & excited to see my journey continue to grow .
I literally had an EPIPHANY!🤯
I am on track to hit $35K in my last 4 months
Moving towards 5000 Incredible Followers
Over 50 Amazing people i have been able to help start or grow their business..
I do NOT say this lightly. It has been insanely life changing to take action & go all in on this digital marketing journey & i am unbelievably grateful 🙏
Invest in yourself, take action on your goals & don’t quit moving forward toward the potential that is absolutely possible for each & every one of you
I want to show you that this opportunity is real. I've been on this journey for 7 months now, and trust me, the first three months were tough with little growth and no sales.
But now I cannot believe this is my life.
Let's Connect ❣️
$80k in 5 months
After purchasing the course 5 months ago I’ve reached a new milestone …… 80k ! Words cannot even describe how I’m feeling at this very moment. If it wasn’t for me starting digital marketing 5+ months ago I honestly feel like I would still be drowning in debt.
After watching for over a month it was no longer a coincidence. I knew that this had to be something that I couldn’t no longer let slip by. For the past 5 months I was able to clear my hubbys debt, buy him a car, pay off my credit cards and have my bills back on auto pay. I’ve been able to help my family out more. The goal is continue to help others while clearing my own debt in the process. Yes, at first I was scared but now it just feels like a breath of fresh air!
I hope everyone gets to experience something like this for theirselves. Everyone’s journey is different and although at times I wanted to compare, you just can’t because this is my story and my journey my IG @businesswithsteph247 🦋

the digital wealth academy digital marketing course.


You will receive a high demand top rated digital marketing course, that comes with MRR, and sells for $497!. There are currently 40+ modules and new ones continue to be added to the course for free, each module contains many videos with step by step instructions and information from experts in each field.Truly making this the one stop course for all your online business and digital marketing needs.
MODULE 1: Start Here
MODULE 2:Mindset
MODULE 3: Digital Marketing Basics
MODULE 4: The foundation -
MODULE 5: Setting Up your biz on Stan store OPTION 1
MODULE 6: Setting up with system io OPTION2
MODULE 7: Setting up funnels OPTION3
MODULE 8:Setting up with beacons OPTION4
MODULE 9: Email Marketing
MODULE 10: MRR Masterclass
MODULE 11: The pre Launch
MODULE 12: All things branding
MODULE 13: Building Trust with your audience
MODULE 14: Attraction Marketing
MODULE 15: Selling in stories
MODULE 16: Selling in DMs
MODULE 17: Faceless wealth
MODULE 18:Digital marketing for men
MODULE 19: navigating instragram
MODULE 20:Everything reels
MODULE 21: Content creation
MODULE 22: Canva essentials (learn how to use canva the number 1 platform to create marketing with)
MODULE 23: Capcut editing ( learn how to make videos and reels)
MODULE 24: Lets talk tiktok (learn how to succeed with your business by marketing with tiktok)
MODULE 25: Lets talk Pinterest (learn how to use and succeed using pinterest)
MODULE 26: THE CONTENT VAULT- this is done for you marketing materials, updated regularly so you can easily promote the course with.
MODULE 27: PLR VAULT- 7 done for you guides that you can resell as your own for 100% profit- kick starting your new online business-
MODULE 28: 111 Free Ebook Ideas
MODULE 29: Digital product guide (learn how to make your own digital products to resell using canva)
MODULE 30: Affiliate marketing
MODULE 31: full business automations guide (learn how to optimise your store, on autopilot helping you make passive income)
MODULE 32: Mainting momentum and loyal customers
MODULE 33: Selling on facebook
MODULE 34: Mens branding essentials
MODULE 35: Monetarising mentorship(learn how you can make money by mentoring online )
MODULE 36: Sales mastery
Module 37: legally protect your business
bonus - A ONLINE COMMUNITY within the course hosted on skool that has over 52k students, there to help answer any questions, provide support and testimonies to help you along your journey to financial freedom.
-weekly live group calls/chats -optional - past calls even have their own module.
-podcast- COMING SOON-here from different influencers in digital marketing who are killing it
-FAQ section - LIFETIME ACCESS to any updates, new modules, plr products and more at no extra cost.
-RESELL THIS COURSE AS YOUR OWN, a minimum of $497 legally for 100% profits as it comes with MRR

Buy once, learn& resell forever
Let's talk about this course and its offer because it's a game-changer, and guess what? There are absolutely NO hidden agendas here! I WANT YOU TO SUCCEED AND be free of the system! You make the purchase, and this course is all yours, no strings attached. In fact, you can even resell this exact course for a minimum of $497usd and watch your investment come back to you instantly. The brilliant minds behind this course designed it with the intention of ZERO surprises.
That means no upsells, no "downline" schemes, and certainly no commissions where you only get a fraction of what you sell. You keep a full 100% of your sales.This course is yours to setup and resell as your own! While You learn EVERYTHING about starting an online business, how to monetarize your social media and make the most of our ever change world that is becoming more digital.EARN while you LEARN
What is Master resell rights?( MRR)

Here is everything you're going to get access to immediately
The Digital wealth Acadamy course is a comprehensive business, marketing, and automation course THAT YOU CAN resell AND KEEP 100% PROFITS- with over 40 in-depth, easy to follow MODULES containing many video lessons within each module making it even easier to navigate. This is the one thing I LOVED MOST. That I could actually understand it, and I was NOT overwhelmed. This course is made with a beginner in mind, but is of high value to seasoned entrepreneurs and business owners -so believe me when I say just how much this course has HELPED me increase my drive in sales this year alone and all the ways that I have been able to generate passive income from other streams ,that I had no idea existed before this course- aka using my social media account to make sales, that I can create automative emails, that I could have started my online business in a FEW DAYS instead of months(like it took me),simply by using stan store and my social media!!. I have been learning so much, that I know people who pay 10s of thousands in tuition to learn in business school!
A little break down of what you will get
Complete ownership of DIGITAL WEALTH COURSE - An already done-for-you course in high demand ,over51k+ students& ready to be resold over and over again for $497usd for 100% profit! Containing over 35+ modules, that contain over 200 videos, with hours of indepth training!!
Everything to learn to start your own online business (EVEN IF ITS STRAIGHT from only your social media account),Master the world of digital marketing- this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING in any business, creating your own brand, digital products, automative systems and so much more, all taught by online videos by top influencers in that category who make 7+ figures
Optional weekly live coaching calls, live content audits, and additional online business trainings, by the digital wealth team PLUS NEW podcast from some top sellers!
Lifetime access to ongoing course updates & community support groups.New modules are always being added, at no extra cost to you, this month we have had 4 brand new modules included within the course, how great is that! This course is ever growing, so you will receive the absolute MAX business marketing opportunities FOREVER.
Available in SIX different languages - You will have access to the entire course in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese & German
Access to the exclusive community of over 52,000+ members, who are there to help you every step of the way, answering questions, giving support and encouragement along your journey to online wealth!
Learn how to easily create and sell digital products so you can make passive income effortlessly, even from your social media,using canva.
Plus 7+ done for you digital products that come with the course that include PLR- allowing you to rebrand and resell for 100% profits as your own ( these alone are valued at over $200) if you choose- helping you kick start your new online business faster with done for you products!- and free access to any future additions.
Done for you marketing material if you choose to resell the course,saving you time and effort!
plus exclusive access to our PLR vault ( these are our products we create that you can resell as 100% your own in our commercial use category)- you will have access to all CURRENT and FUTURE products for free- where you can resell all the products in there as your own, helping you on your journey faster..
Plus my 100% support and help in answering ANY of your questions- simply email me at and I will reply asap :)
Are you ready
Its time to take the chance, make the change and believe in yourself, Its time for you to break free, and start knowing what financial freedom is, it's time for you to build your empire, your brand, your legacy.We as mothers are unstoppable, we are wild and we are untamed. Invest in yourself with our digital wealth academy course and begin to LIVE.