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  • Unschooling and trust

    When it comes to raising our children without school, without rules in place and without guided lessons, can we trust them enough to find there own learning path, to make good decisions and to become responsible young adults? When my children became school aged I sent them of to school just like I was taught- as soon as they started public school it just did not feel right, How can I be the parent I want to be, live the life I wanted for my children, filled with adventure and exploration if this was now how our life's where mapped out for us.- I began to question why, after I spent my own childhood attending public school, now as a adult to realise I have not needed any of it in todays world. I have taught myself everything I have needed to learn through research and curiosity. The question on my mind was Will that be enough for my children as well, can I trust them to learn all they need through their own curiosities on this unschooling journey? 3 UNSCHOOLing YEARS LATER.. If it is one thing I have learnt is that children do deserve our TRUST If you are a new unschooling parent , this takes time, its a crazy notion we where all born into a society that creates a barrier in our beliefs that children can not be trusted and that they are not capable of responsible decision making. Once you accept that this isn't the case.Unschooling will become the best decision you ever made for your family. Trust will not be a over night thing. Once you deschool yourself and stop trying to force learning.Your child will begin in believing they are cable of their own path. They will find things they are curious about and begin to " teach" themselves. They will discover independence and trust you will help guide them with their curiosities if they need. Unschooling and trust works 2 ways, its not just you as the parent who has to learn to trust- it is also your child. Once you start unschooling , more trust between you and your child begin to develop ONE Your child will become to TRUST trust - in themselves, that they are more clever then they ever thought possible, they will begin to realise they do not need to be told how to learn something, they do not need to be graded or have expectations because they begin to learn for the love of it and not to learn to pass a test or receive points. trust-they have100 % of their parents support and patience. Your child will begin to realise that you trust them enough and believe in them enough to follow their interests. You will begin to notice over time how much your child confines in you, asks more questions and the conversations yous develop are more real then ever before. Your child begins to trust you see them as a cable young adult and not as a small child trust- they will be allowed to follow things they find interesting (even if it is video games)- When you are completely onboard with the unschooling path and you do allow your child to do WHAT they want and not what you think they should be doing "learning"- Your child will begin to trust ,that no matter what they find interesting or whatever their curiosity may lead them you support them (because by doing this you are creating a motivated learner, passion leads to exploration, discovery and further knowledge- they may look like they are just playing video games, but Remember everything turns into learning- half a year they may be interested in video games and the next they are interested in cooking. trust- they will not be forced into learning (just like school)- Once you stop believing that learning can only happen by being forced , with curriculums, worksheets and what you think "learning" looks like - your child can begin to naturally learn, they will begin to trust you believe in them enough to not force their learning and trust in their natural learning ability trust- they are in fact cable and independent !! Two Unschooling teaches you as a parent to also TRUST trust- your child will learn when the time is right, maybe not " when others who attend school do, but when they are naturally ready"- just remember some kids may learn to write at 6 some at 8 or some at 12, there is no rush to learning. trust- your child will learn all that THEY require, -your child may not remember calculus they are taught at school because it has no real value in their daily lifes, but just know what they need in their lifes today,tomorrow or 10 years for now, they will LEARN themselves trust- that over time your child will become responsible and independent, filled with alot of different knowledge as they have been allowed the time to pursue their own interests trust- that the education system(school) is not needed and that your child , just like every child was born naturally curious and with the ability to learn from their environment, just as they did when they learnt to walk and talk as toddlers. trust - that the bond between child and parent who trust each other lasts a lifetime Unschooling just like alot of things, takes time but only works by one simple thing and that is TRUST As john holt states: To trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves .-and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.

  • How we teach maths naturally

    One of the most common issues surrounding unschooling is people just do not understand how a child who is unschooled could learn maths! It seems such a crazy thing to think a child can naturally come to experience maths out here in the real world , without the need for a school or workbooks and Without forced lessons and piles of worksheets, but the truth is yes! simple maths comes so naturally to children,just like learning to walk or talk as a toddler did. Maths is everywhere out here and its unavoidable . Natural learning can not be rushed, its happening without you knowing and it will happen, if not straight away- then when your child feels they need it. Will there be gaps in their maths? YES -but that does not matter because it is irrelevant in their lives , most students who go to school, do not use Geometry, Algebra ,Trigonometry, Pre-Calc, Calculus, pi or any of those other so called "important" maths lessons forced by teachers in their adult lives anyway and if your child does for some reason need or even want to learn it, then just trust in them that they will learn all the maths they require -guided by their curiosity.You need to remind yourself exactly how much of all that maths we were taught in the over a decade of our school life's ,that we actually use today in this advancing society. My Unschooling children I like to think are quite good at maths for a 10, almost 9 and a 7 year old ..We have learnt maths so simple, so natural and free. They have never read a textbook, done any online maths apps/lessons or any maths worksheets ,yet over the last 3 years they all have learnt their small additions and large additions 1030+200+30 etc , 2x, 5x and 10x tables, 10% & 50% ,divided by 2's ,ml,cup,time,cm,m and money skills and are beginning to pick up on other maths concepts ! the way they have learnt this is from 2 ways As mentioned in my previous post Top 4 free unschooling methods we use to teach , we use conversations and daily life as the way to teach my children and maths is no exception,this is the only way we have done it since we started our unschooling journey. Down below explains how each work for our maths. 1) mental maths (conversations) (mental maths means mathematical calculation that is performed mentally, without the aid of a calculator, abacus , pen and paper or textbook ) So every now and then if I get one on one time with one of my children(say my youngest is sitting with me at the beach, while my eldest 2 are running around climbing sand dunes and it feels like a good time to naturally discuss "maths" - meaning he is not preoccupied with something else and he has some spare time - I will ask if he wants to learn "more" maths as we call it. -this mental maths session usually lasts no longer then 5 minutes, and happens on occasions (about 5 times a month) To do this I always start with explaining it simpler, for instance if we are learning 2x tables, when I start saying 2 times ,I will remind them that 2 x means " double" when we were learning divide by 2s I, would remind them it means "half" just like 50%, for 10% we say take away a zero or add a decimal. eg 10% of 50 (minus the zero you have 5) 10% of 55 (add a decimal and you have 5.5) we always finding a simpler way for them to remember - I always start of with saying even numbers for the first few months or until I know they understand - like what is 10% of 88 , 50% of 240 etc- once they have learnt the easier side of it we will advance to odds and harder ones. I only ever teach what I think is relevant or what they have asked about like percentages as they noticed the shop sale tags and asked about it , Will we learn 3,4 6,8 time tables? I must admit ,I do not know them as I forgot from school,(actually I just never paid attention as school wasnt for me) have I ever needed them in my adult life? NO. if I need them I have a phone calculator. So I will not teach them this, if they need it for some reason or want to learn them- then we will learn together. That is what natural learning is about, its about learning what is needed for the now, what is relevant for daily life and learning in the moment if the time comes. It really doesn't take long for them to click on and begin to understand these maths concepts. They begin understanding that you add 32+14 by adding the 4+2 side first then the 1+3 side so right to left and they remind themselves with this for minus's and their larger 2 x tables, etc , sometimes they just surprise me because they understand so well. these are my favourite 3 tips for mental maths 1) Soon as they start showing a lose of interest I will change the subject right away- and forget that math lesson 2) Be silly and make it fun with jokes, and enthusiasm ( by making them laugh and thinking of it as more fun games then a maths lessons) IT ALWAYS WORKS. - if I had 50 cupcakes and I ate them all up to my self and I was still hungry so I brought another 120 how many cupcakes would be in my now big belly 3) Funny praises with lots of enthusiasm to make them enjoy it - like omg I cant believe you got that answer right,you have the biggest smartest brain ever - or omg how did you know that are you reading my mind or my youngest sons favourite, I will sing -(you are a genius, genius, genius ). (yes if you have ever watched Mr deeds) slideshow & 2) Daily Living As well as these short bursts of mental maths lessons, they learn maths from daily living , they use maths all the time without thinking about it, maths is unavoidable and it is everywhere, your children will sink it in. This is some ways we use maths through out daily life and gradually the kids have naturally learn "maths concepts" Asking them to check the clock and over time discussed ( am/pm , 24hr in a day, quarter pass,half past, quarter to,clock goes up by 5's(5xtables) ) baking cakes/making food and reading measurements on packaging themselves with help if required (discussed how many ml in a cup, tsp,tbsp ,set oven timer,( 60sec = a min) 60mins=1hr) set microwave/blender, volume,fractions,observing temp,heat,read kitchen scale- discuss gram/kg tell them share the food/drink evenly between them (discuss halves/quarters/ratios, adding and dividing by) shopping and having a allowance, (discuss about money,100c = $1,adding,subtracting ,percentages,cost of living,budgeting) playing Roblox games, fortnite and other games they download on their phones (adding,measurments,percentage,distance,timestables,subtracting,coding) A few other natural maths we have came by using tools and appliances , set stop watches when they are doing workouts/timing each other on xbox,building toys-lego,blocks,diy and science ones, use the measuring tape when they are building and tinkering, going metal detecting,asking how to use the calculator on their phones ,reading weather reports,counting things out in nature ,reading signs around them, writing lists ,counting various things ,doing art and craft ,going golfing ,hiking ,fishing/sorting out tackle,helping in house renovations and playing games together to name a few. Some maths problems are coming up each day and they are figuring it out, they are learning new strategies and each day is teaching so much naturally. Its so surprising as they have just absorb so much maths from their environment and doing things they find interesting, and I'm not even aware some times. My youngest son I remember when my son he was 6 at the time , he was counting all his 10 cent coins by his 10s timetables he got to 100c and said okay 100c is $1 and started over again, when he got to the end he counting his piles, it was amazing as I had no idea he knew his 10 times tables nor that he knew 100c = $1 .He just figured it out and learnt it himself. These are the only 2 ways we learn maths in our household and they work so well. Arbitrary problems with no real connection to our child's lives aren’t going to cut it. The brain does not store what it considers unimportant pieces of information... unless it’s actually used. So when my unschooled kids are using natural math- it’s useful to them. And so their brains remember the concepts more, then as if the where in a traditional school.

  • Top 4 free unschooling methods we use to teach

    When we started this Unschooling journey 3 years ago I was not sure on what I should have for my children to learn, should I go out and buy all the best books and have read outlouds with them ,should I create all those beautiful nature tables or small world play tables , I see on Pinterest , should I set up invitations to play or unit studies for them and what about tinker stations and makerspaces I need to set up areas like that, otherwise how else will my children "learn" ? Thats what i thought ! and oh was I silly. Yes they look beautiful and you feel envy when you see them all over social media, but the fact is you do not need any of that. Natural learning is all about your child's OWN curiosity, not what you try put in front of them. This list is my top 4 free unschooling methods that i use to teach my children, it works well for my family, my children have learnt so much already on this unschooling journey because of them. We embrace unschooling how it truly is - natural, spontaneous, in the moment learning! 1) Top of the list is Conversations Talking with children as if they are young adults and not small children, I think is one of the greatest natural learning resources there is. By answering their questions truthly and with patience is teaching them so much. By included them in your conversations and asking them questions. By laughing, by joking and by being silly with them. By choosing to listen and to see them as smart growing young adults is one of the greatest things a parent or unschooler can do. Since unschooling my children have become confident in confiding with me, if they have any questions or problems they will come straight over to seek my knowledge. We are always having deep conversations and they are shown the same respect in our conversations as if they were young adults. Unschooling and enjoying our new life by always being together has made us a tight family unit. If we are out and about my children will ask questions, if we are on a adventure amongst nature my children will ask questions, if we are at home my children will ask questions, all these questions turn into great conversations, where they feel as though they belong, they are listen to, they are appreciated and they are heard. My children have gain a lot of learning just by our conversations alone. 2) Next on the list is Daily life A lot of people are confused with what daily life actually means in a unschooling family. It simply means , whatever is going on that day, you do not have to have it planned out. Your children are learning something one way or another. (simply just think of say a weekend) Why ? because when its the weekend you are not thinking of acting like your child should be at school, you do not try to make them "learn" or think they should be learning something, you are simply going about whatever needs to be done for the day. If that means going to the shops , or maybe a day at the park or maybe a lazy day at home , then so be it. Your child learns from the environment they are in - at the shops there are signs and tags to be read, products to be calculated, subtracted and weighed, they are money handling ,budgeting and learning about food and harvesting. You might not see them "learning" - , but I assure you they are quietly learning and it keeps adding to their knowledge the more they go, the more they remember and the more they ask. At the park their researching, analysing, communicating, and making decisions, all of this is moulding them .They observe others and explore new concepts. They challenge themselves. At home the learning opportunities are waiting to be explored if you have read our unschooling classroom post you will notice that your home is a perfect unschooling/natural learning space for your child. Remember everyday something different is going on ,things pop up, schedules change, your child one day at home may be learning about cool science facts on YouTube and the next day they may be learning about fractions while baking. One way or another no matter what is happening in your daily life today- your child is absorbing new skills. 3) Our next top resources is WIFI I have discussed a lot about WIFI on my blog , and that is because everything and anything your child wants to learn about is at the touch of a finger, this new age with our advancing technology has provided online courses ,lessons, information, and anything your child wants to become - all easily available because of the internet .My children have learnt a lot from using the internet and all of this they have taught themselves, asked for help or came across while browsing, My daughter has taught herself how to spell, read, simple code, use video editing software, how to create, record and edit her own YouTube videos, how to make her own YouTube channel, discord server, Roblox game, how to draw anime, how to make fruit smoothie bowls , made friends from all over the world, she has learnt that there are different languages ,different countries, different time zones .She has learnt names of animals ,world facts, science facts, adding ,subtracting, percentages, and money skills and loads more she just turned 10 and all this she has taught herself from her own curiosity and using her online games. 4) last is Nature We have always been a outdoorsy nature loving family ever since the kids were born, nature has so much to teach , that might sound silly but a day trip to the beach, you never know what you'll find or what questions your child will ask, once we found a biodegradable golf ball, and this led to a big natural learning conversation on what biodegradable means, the benefits to the environment and what pollution means . A look in some rock pools lead to learning facts about starfish (from a quick google search) and underwater ecosystems. Watching sail boats lead to discussions about wind and direction and how a sail boat moves, Finding a plastic water tank floating in the shore lead to discussions about what a water tank was used for, which lead to further discussions about sustainability and self sufficiency , as well as the effects of natural disasters (storms) .Finding a poor diseased whale on a remote beach taught us some whale facts, natural discussions on migrations and different whale species. A walk in the bush leads to great maths skills, by navigating, measuring distance ,time ,counting the age of a tree by the rings ,spotting echinus and learning about their spikes, finding wallabies and wombats, discussing bird nests and different trees. A swim in a waterhole lead to discussions about fresh and salt water, how waterholes are made, animal habitats and so on. You never know what you will find and learn by being out in nature, I always bring my phone - (for a quick google search if I'm not sure about something ) nature has taught my children and myself so much already, and there is more waiting to be discovered. slideshow Unschooling By choosing to unschool your child you are following the path of nature. It is a child’s personal journey of discovering themselves and the world around them. Unschooling fosters rather than stunts natural curiosity and inspires a love of learning that will last a life time.Learning cannot be rushed. There is no expiry date. Children want to learn. Curiosity drives them.When a child is allowed to explore new knowledge at their own pace, things that they find useful and relevant, then you are creating a motivated child.You are creating a natural learner.


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  • My journey to financial freedom | BarefootChild

    "You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it." - Dr. Robert Anthony About me and my journey to financial freedom. Welcome, I'm Skye lee, the founder behind BarefootChild. Im a mother to 3 children who I decided to unschool along with my husband while we live out our simple life on a very small island, out in the middle of the ocean. I became a mother when I was 18 and by the time I turned 21 I was chasing after my 3 under 3. We lived pay-check to pay-check for years and years, and this pay-check was very little, as soon as each paycheck came it ,it was gone just as fast. Borrowing money from family ,until each new pay-check became the norm , for a very long time. All I could ever think about is ,what am I going to do? I kept thinking to myself ,that I do not want to waste this life and miss my children's childhood with a 9-5 , in order to fit in a box, plus I dont want this for my husband either ! How can I make this change? How can I support my family, while staying at home with them? How can I make as much money as possible, without to much work? So as I spent weeks apon weeks researching and researching until I came across the term -passive income and as I researched this more and more, I came across the world of digital marketing , especially for digital products and affiliates. Its a career path that ANYONE can do and you will be earning money while you sleep. Im telling you this now , because if I can do it, without any scholarships, qualifications, prior experience and leaving school half way through year 9 then YOU CAN DO IT TO! My only other job besides building my successful business ground up,from nothing but google and youtube to guide and teach me how- is working at a fast food restaurant (kfc) and a retail outlet (best & less) for like 3 months each before I had kids YEP! Not much experience at all ,I was only a teenager then - as I want every one of you to succeed in life, just know If I can do it then YOU CAN TO! I want you to choose a career path that allows you to support your family, work from home, travel when you like,and do something you feel like you truly love. I don't want any mother to feel tired and helpless working a 9-5 job away from your wildlings. I want YOU to invest in YOURSELF just like I have ! As we are the mothers, the providers and the child bearers. We are the ones who hold our family's ecosystem together. We can do anything! ANYONE can start with digital marketing ,I started back at the beginning of 22 when I created BarefootChild as I had a love and desire to create my own digital products after reading how profitable they are, and how I could make one product, upload the file and sell it over and over again forever, -so with my passion for nature and homeschooling, my vision for BarefootChild grew. You don't need an established business, or even create any digital products- you can simply start up on social media, sell other people's products- through affiliate marketing ,and reselling other peoples products, this is called PLR and MRR products - like our Roadmap 3.0 course that will teach YOU EVERYTHING you ever need to know to be successful at digital marketing and the best part is once you complete the course , you can then put all those skills to test and simply just resell the course yourself using all your new digital marketing skills you learnt and sell straight from your social media account- over and over again forever and keep every cent! You know all those ( link in bio !!) you see on social media? - YEP those people are what we cal l digital marketing , either their own digital made products, from ebooks, printables,planners,courses, or selling their services (if you have knowledge or expertise in any area -then sell that knowledge to others-this is called a service),those links in bios, are even products they brought to resell with -MRR or they are being an affiliate for another company , getting you to buy that product from their link so they can keep the commission they receive from each sale. -You can be a complete newbie into the world of digital marketing and still start making REAL money on day 1. ​ ​ Invest in yourself , Invest in your future. The world is becoming more and more online. People are buying online from smartphones and laptops, instead of instore 76% of consumers buy something they see on social media. Let that be from you. I started selling this ROADMAP 3.0 course 27-4, 5 days later I sold my first one, within a week (2-8 MAY) I have already made $1020 selling this course alone on my Etsy store , dedicating to helping mums earn $$ from home! This could be you to! Not only will you learn EVERYTHING about starting your own online business, but you can earn while you learn, by reselling this very course AS YOUR OWN forever and keep 100%!! Learn more Earn big selling digital products &services Lets go more In-depth about what digital products are, and how YOU can get started on your journey to your first million selling them. What is a digital product? “Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.” – Joyce Brothers Start your journey to building your own online business , selling digital products straight from your social media! 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  • Victoria learning plan | BarefootChild

    ​ 如何创建一个 家庭学校/非学校注册 学习计划 维多利亚 为了 终极指南 在维多利亚,您的学习计划需要满足以下条件: ​ ​ 您的学习计划必须包括您孩子的全名和出生日期 它还必须包括这 7 个步骤: “学习”将在何时何地进行: 什么时候 : 指一般的学习时间表。例如,教学和学习会在工作日进行吗? · 何时 :并不意味着您必须计算每个小时、每天、每周甚至每个月。 · ​ 地点 :指全年进行学习的地点。例如,家庭、博物馆、图书馆、游泳池、通过部分招生安排的学校等专业场所等。 · ​ 其中 : 并不意味着您必须列出您计划在一年中使用的每个学习地点。 ​ 如果您正在使用 Unschooling -Natural learning 方法 什么时候 : 由于我们对我们的教育计划采取了自然的学习方法,因此始终隐藏着学习的潜力。我的孩子的学习可以自由地进行,只要我的孩子觉得有必要,无论多久。他们的学习不会被限制在正常范围内上课时间和上课时间,因为我的孩子总是在质疑和探索,所以每当学习机会出现时,“何时”就会发生,就像天生的学习者一样——机会是无穷无尽的。 ​ 在哪里 : 由于我们对我们的教育计划采取自然学习的方法,我孩子的教育将不仅限于我们的家,而且还包括在我们的社区内,每天去商店、亲戚和朋友家、游乐场、当地游泳池和图书馆 在我们的家庭教育小组中。此外,当其他学习机会出现时,这可能是我的孩子想参加的食品市场、表演、假期和课程 我们喜欢置身于大自然中,因此他们的学习可以 也发生在海滩郊游、丛林漫步和观光。 - 笔记: 我们访问的地方将在它们发生时被记录下来 如何记录学习成果: 你保存记录的方式是 完全 由你决定 - 你不需要像报告一样保留学校 您需要保留记录以显示您孩子“学习”的证据/进度 - 如果您的孩子是年末选定的 10% 家庭中的一员,您可以 向教育部门提供您的记录。 质量保证 不要强制要求证据应该是什么或您必须如何提供,因为他们了解每个人的教育方法都不同..您的记录不需要丰富 。 您不要保留时间和每日记录或使用“学校式”的方法。有各种 记录孩子学习的方法,一些方法 包括:创建博客,写日记或日记,您可以拍照并创建学习相册,将任何工作样本保存在文件夹中,或者您可以使用在线录音 应用程序。 VRQA 提供您可以选择使用的可选记录模板,如果您被选中进行审核,请提供如下所列: ​ 报告模板:按学习领域 报告模板:按活动 活动封面模板和示例 家长每周记录模板和示例 家长每月记录模板和示例 ​​ 以下是来自使用不同记录方法的已批准评论的其他示例 : 博客 报告 有照片的杂志 活动工作表样本和月度记录 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 如果您使用的是 Unschooling - 自然学习 方法 我会记日记 我会记下我的孩子在一周内所做/学到的事情 我将包括星期几 开始。在这我也会 列出我孩子使用过的任何资源或我孩子做过的活动——我也会 列出它所涵盖的 kla。我将保留一个塑料套文件夹来保存他们所做的任何“硬拷贝”工作,例如图纸、清单、他们在 ect 上写的东西。我还将拍摄学习经历的照片作为证据——这将保存在相册中,并将成为年终回顾“视觉学习组合”的一部分。 你需要包括 如果 您正在寻求 豁免 来自 8 个 KLA 学习领域中的任何一个: 如果您正在寻求任何 KLA 科目的豁免,请概述其 不合理 的原因 让您的孩子在初始登记表上接受该科目的指导。您只需在您的学习计划中的该科目上打一个 X,您无需解释原因 - 不需要医疗或文件 您可以从 8 个关键学习领域中的一个或多个寻求豁免 - 最多 7 个 klas。 例如,如果您的孩子最近脱离了注册学校并且正在经历心理压力,那么恢复可能意味着逐渐重新投入学习。您可能需要关注他们的健康 和最初的幸福。 或者豁免可能与您孩子的兴趣有关 - 您希望他们的教育计划专注于您知道的特定主题,因为这将有利于他们的学习。 你的孩子可能有 残疾或特殊学习需要豁免 需要特定的 KLA。 您可以寻求豁免的理由不受限制,VRQA 将根据您的报告考虑孩子的特殊情况。重要的是您作为父母的判断。 VRQA 不需要医学专家证书和相关文件。 豁免期限为 12 个月。 ​ 对于豁免,您可以说: 我孩子的阅读障碍意味着我们将专注于英语并获得语言豁免 我的孩子需要时间从学校经历中恢复过来,因此我们暂时要求豁免所有 7 个 klas,并专注于心理健康和福祉 -pdhpe 我的孩子选择了科学职业,因此我们要求豁免艺术和语言,以帮助他们专注于这一点 您需要添加 如果您打算生孩子 部分就读于公立学校 以及 作为家庭教育: 您可以在某些时间在家接受教育,而其余时间也可以让您的孩子在 维多利亚 上学。 在维多利亚,您可以选择让您的孩子部分入读公立学校,教您的孩子某些科目或活动。要做到这一点,您首先要联系学校,您需要直接与学校校长做出安排。部分录取由学校自行决定 ​主要的, 你和 校长每个人都有责任建立部分入学安排,如果校长不支持您的申请,VRQA 不能干预。 在申请家庭教育注册 之前,您应该向校长寻求部分入学的批准 。如果 部分入学是 同意 ,请在您的家庭教育登记表上注明此安排,并附上校长填写的 打算部分注册学生表格的通知 到您的学习计划申请家庭学校注册。 考虑您孩子的需求: ​ 此部分是可选的 您不必将此添加到您的学习计划中 在这里你可以解释你孩子的需求,你可以给他们一个总结 感兴趣的领域,他们的优势是什么以及他们需要额外支持的领域。您可以说明您希望在这一年取得什么成就或您想从事什么工作 ​ 如果您使用非学校教育/自然学习方法 注意:这是一个孩子的优势和成就希望的例子——一个喜欢玩 roblox/游戏的孩子 我的孩子 X 遵循以自然儿童为主导的学习方法学得最好 兴趣 - 目前她的兴趣是在线游戏 - 通过允许她关注这些兴趣,她的英语阅读和写作能力已经形成和提高。她每天都在学习新的数学概念,并且对虚拟创意艺术和设计充满热情,她一直在使用在线roblox工作室制作自己的网络游戏和虚拟服装。她喜欢按照自己的节奏进行研究和学习以提供帮助 通过在线 youtube 和谷歌搜索扩展她对这些兴趣的了解,她想开始自己的 youtube 频道创建,游戏视频,就像她看的一样,今年我将帮助她学习视频编辑技术,也许我们可以开始创建她自己的 youtube 频道。 ​ 注意:这是一个经过批准的例子,解释了孩子的缺点和对孩子的希望 我的孩子 X 喜欢书,但还没有独立阅读。在学校他对阅读的困惑使他感到愚蠢和尴尬,这使他在其他科目上有所欠缺和落后。我们今年的主要重点将是培养他对书籍的热爱,并提供一个不依赖阅读的丰富学习环境。我会看看他怎么样 以温和的方式阅读并评估我们是否需要为他的阅读发展探索可能的支持。 添加 你将如何涵盖该主题 对于每个 在 8 个主要学习领域中—— 如果您正在申请某个主题的豁免,请不要添加任何内容 类别 在维多利亚州,您需要教您的孩子 KLAS 的 8 门关键科目,-除非您申请豁免-您不需要像他们在学校教的那样遵循维多利亚州的课程 ,也不需要遵循澳大利亚的课程 -您如何将 Kla's 作为一个家教育者由您决定 VQRA 将整个计划考虑在内。他们不会根据您孩子的年龄访问主题 - 因为他们了解每个孩子的学习方式不同,并且在他们的学习中处于不同的水平。 8 个 KLA 包括: 英语 数学 科学(包括物理、化学和生物学) 历史与地理(人文社会科学) 艺术 语言 PDHPE(健康和体育) 技术(信息和通信技术,以及设计和技术。) VQRA 有您可以打印、填写和为您的孩子量身定制的模板,否则您可以创建自己的学习计划无论您是使用其中一个模板还是设计自己的模板, 它们让您了解您应该在学习计划中包含的详细程度。 如果您创建自己的,请不要忘记添加您将使用的资源和材料,以及您所 覆盖的 kla 区域。如果 你正在 申请 对于豁免,不要在该主题领域添加任何内容 . ​ ​ ​ 确保列出将用于在两个模板中涵盖每个学习主题的资源和材料,或者如果您正在创建自己的计划:注意:资源和材料必须详细: 例如,如果您正在 阅读 一本书 - 不要 只要写书,你必须添加标题和作者 2个模板如下: ​ 基于主题的学习计划模板 此模板可帮助那些打算遵循课程或结构化学习方法的人。它在学习领域划分您的预期程序。请注意,许多自然学习者也使用此模板。 在这里您列出要涵盖的主题 每个学习区。 例如,科学 的主题可能包括: 太空和太阳系 · 固体和液体以及热的影响· 生物学和不同生物的生命周期。 对于每个学习领域(英语、语言等),给出学习领域将如何得到实质性解决的具体细节。示例:语言 : 西班牙语——我们将探索西班牙语。我们将首先使用我们每周访问两次的应用程序介绍基本的单词和问候语。我们还将通过在线研究西班牙传统并制作一些西班牙美食来了解西班牙文化(人文)。 我们还将为家庭场合(艺术)制作西班牙语贺卡。 概括为“学习西班牙语”或“了解西班牙”是不够 的。 如果您使用的是教科书,则可以从目录中提供每个相关学习领域的详细信息。 如果您购买了课程,请总结每个学习领域的主题或提交提供者发布的详细信息。确保购买的课程针对每个学习领域,除非您已申请豁免。 对于资源和材料,请列出以下内容: 具体细节,如全书名、URL、计算机程序和应用程序,或专业服务,如私人导师、音乐课、运动队等。将资源列为“书籍”或“互联网”是不够的。 ​ ​ ​ 基于活动的学习计划模板 此模板可帮助那些打算辍学或遵循自然学习方法的人。它通过教育活动解决学习领域的问题。 ​ 在这里,您描述了您将关注 的技能和学习活动 ,例如 VQRA 指出: 它们没有 设置您需要包含的活动数量。您有责任确保您提供的信息清楚地表明所有学习领域(豁免除外)都将得到实质性解决。 考虑一下要包括的内容,例如: 我和我的孩子想在每个学习领域发展哪些技能? 我们将如何培养这些技能(即我们将采取什么方法?) 我们将使用哪些活动来实现这一目标? 在“活动”列 中,列出您的孩子将完成的一般活动。这通常是一个词,例如: 烹饪、园艺、实验 或者 它可以是一个简短的句子: 帮助我们家装修,提高阅读能力 在详细信息列 中,列出活动的特定元素。这需要详细说明,您可能需要几个要点。 示例: 园艺活动: 阅读不同食物的营养标签,讨论营养和健康饮食的重要性 拜访经营散养养鸡场的家人朋友——谈论道德实践、动物护理以及鸡蛋如何最终出现在我们的早餐中 制作和维护蔬菜补丁——选择植物、设计布局、监控生长、收获和食用! 记录蔬菜的增长——每周测量并在 Excel 中创建增长表——讨论我们可以做些什么来支持增长 对于资源和材料 列出以下内容: 具体细节,如全书名、URL、计算机程序和应用程序,或专业服务,如私人导师、音乐课、运动队等。将资源列为“书籍”或“互联网”是不够的。 示例 :园艺活动: 食品包装 英联邦科学与工业研究组织网站 ( ) 维多利亚时代的健康饮食企业 建筑设备 园林工具 在基于活动的模板的最后一列中 列出与活动相关的学习领域。将每个区域与详细信息列中的描述对齐。 示例 :园艺活动 涵盖KLAS 英语,HPE,HSS, ICTDT ,数学 ,科学 ​ 也不要忘记 列出您将用来帮助涵盖 KLA 的资源和材料 ​ 非学校教育/自然学习方法 使用 VQRA 模板 基于主题的 8 岁样本 7 岁儿童的活动样本 基于主题的 10 岁儿童样本 14 岁的基于活动的样本 创建学习计划后,请记住: ​ 每个孩子需要 1 个学习计划,注意:如果您为每个学习计划使用相同的内容并对其进行调整,则可以 您计划在家上学的每个孩子 您通过电子邮件将其与您的初始注册申请一起发送 表格、所需身份证件和任何其他相关文件发送至 VQRA 电子邮件 或邮寄地址 注册审批平均需要 28 天,通常要少得多。 在维多利亚州,您只需为您的孩子发送一份学习计划摘要。每年 VQRA 都会联系您询问您是否仍想参加家庭学校注册,无需发送新的学习计划 每年有 10% 的家庭学校注册家庭需要提交学习记录样本。这可以通过电子邮件发送,一旦您被选中,您将获得 2 年豁免以再次审核 如果由于某种原因您的计划未获批准,您将收到通知并对结果提出异议,或者您可以创建另一个学习计划并发送。 与维多利亚 的沟通最多 教育部门 VQRA 通过电子邮件和电话完成 ​ 欲了解更多信息,请访问 他们的 网站 VQRA 点击查看维多利亚的注册 时间表和程序

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